You can use SMS marketing in a number of different ways. Many companies use it to increase sales by offering special deals to their customers and for lead generation to build their database. It increases customer loyalty by keeping you in touch with them. You can literally put your marketing message directly into the hands of your current and potential customers.
The great thing about SMS marketing is that 80% of all mobile device users have their phones on them at all times. This means that they get your message immediately; it doesn't end up in an email inbox waiting to be seen. Did you know that over 95 percent of all text messages are read with ten minutes?
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It's extremely easy to build an SMS subscriber list. Usually, all you have to do is ask. Tell your customers that if they sign up, they'll receive deals and special offers. Most of them will be happy to get them. You must get people to "OPT-IN"
to get texts from you. Contest giveaways are quite effective at getting people to participate.
You should also use your online presence to get new customers. On your website, blog and social media profiles, let people know that they can get exclusive deals. You can speed up the process by offering a special incentive just for signing up for your text promotions, freebie or discount on your services are effective.
TextDeliver 2 Bonus
Remember that SMS stands for 'SHORT message service.' As I mentioned, these messages have to be 160 characters or less.
It takes a bit of skill to craft such a tiny message and also give it some impact. The best way to do this is to focus each message on only one thing. If you've got a special sale and a new product line to promote, turn that into two broadcast messages. The best messages contain 3 bits of key information:
- The details of the deal, promotion or sale
- How it benefits them
- What they need to do to get it (the call to action).
How to Perfect Your Campaign
To do SMS marketing, you have to hire a bulk messaging provider. They'll send out the messages for you cheaply and also track your results. The results are extremely important because they'll help you improve your campaigns.
At first, do some testing to see what works best. For example, try sending out messages at different times of the day or on different days of the week to see what gets the best response. The statistics will tell you how many people opened and read your message. This will tell you how to refine your campaign.
Text Message (SMS) marketing is a great way Text Deliver 2 Bonus for offline businesses to get new customers and retain the old ones. Now that everybody's going mobile with their smartphones, it's an even better way to keep in touch and make sales.
You can contact me for a Free e-book on Text Message Marketing or to answer any questions you have on text Message marketing or mobile marketing in general. I can help you develop and implement your text message campaigns.
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