dimanche 30 juillet 2017

Video Producer Gets New Knee

Well, Explaindio One Review this professional video producer has filmed this major operation a few times before and now has some useful comments after undergoing the same procedure.
This would be of interest to anyone else about to get a new knee... and that's 84,585 each year in Australia or 719,000 in the USA!
Graham Kelly had a car accident when he was 19 and his shattered left knee cap was removed. He then managed with no kneecap in that leg for 47 years but at age 66 it decided "enough was enough". So, in December 2013 Graham booked into hospital for his Total Knee Replacement.
Explaindio One Bonus
The most anxious time is sitting in your hospital bed, all showered with Betadine and in your back to front gown, waiting to be taken to surgery. "My initial nurse had written in large type, "RELAX" on a notice board opposite my bed and that was good advice indeed", said Graham.
Eventually I was taken to pre-op and had a nice warm blanket put over me and then finally into the theatre itself. The anesthetist performed a Spinal Block and as she finished telling me how I would feel great warmth in my buttocks which would spread down my legs to my feet, numbing everything in its path, it started to happen. Explaindio One Reviews It was all very quick and very strong as I could feel nothing from my waist down. "It was like being a paraplegic in the bottom half", said Graham.
The anesthetist then injected with me a lighter anesthetic thanks to the Spinal Block and I woke up some 3 hours later - Explaindio One Review my operation was longer as the surgeon had to fashion a new kneecap from the bottom of my femur which he assures me will make the whole knee stronger.
I guess the hardest part after the operation was dealing initially with the Continuous Passive Motion machine which automatically bends your knee for you in two hour blocks to the degree dialed up by your nurse. I quickly dubbed mine "The Rack" because it was uncomfortable the first time I used it. But, believe me,  Explaindio One it got easier each time and now, one month after the operation I have more then 120 degrees movement in that left leg!
I can tell you that I attended a pre-admission clinic some weeks before my surgery and then, two days before the operation, I filmed the same clinic - it was absolutely amazing how much of the information I had forgotten.


lundi 24 juillet 2017

Top 5 Benefits of Online Surveys

There are many advantages of using online surveys compared to traditional mail or face to face methods. Nowadays, Survay Review most people who are able to use computers have stopped using paper surveys altogether.
Here are the top 5 benefits of using online surveys over paper surveys:
1. Customized Appearance
The beauty of online surveys is that they are very clear to read. With computers you are able to zoom into surveys if the font is too small for you to read and surveys can be spaced out over a number of pages without overwhelming the respondent.
Unlike online surveys, there are space limitations on paper. With online surveys, your questions can be split into pages that are easy to work through without trawling through a pile of paper pages. Survay Bonus You can quite acceptably have one question per page for online surveys, whereas doing this with a paper survey would have direct effect on the respondent's likelihood of filling it in. If you see lots of pages to go through, you are less likely to take the time to go through it all.
Incorporate your logo and branding into your survey which will immediately resonate with customers and help to make your survey look legitimate, official and familiar. Utilize colors, images, and hyperlinks within your survey to personalize and make your survey attractive for the respondent.
2. Survay Reviews
Did you ever have to spend hours on your local high street with a clipboard for a school project? Do you remember how much effort you had to put in for each and every survey you carried out. People rushed by and were too busy with their daily tasks to stop to answer your questions. With online surveys, this is all taken care of.
Online surveys not only allow you to leave the high street, but also allows respondents to take their own time to complete the survey. Survay Review You send them your survey link, and they can answer your questions any time of the day or night. Whenever they are ready and willing to do so.
This also ensures that when your respondents have time to answer your survey, they are much more likely to put more thought into their answers and answer truthfully.
Not only this, but online surveys are super easy to respond to. Not only are you increasing your response rate due to the ease of filling in your survey, you are also increasing it further due to the ease of submitting responses. Once the survey is completed, your respondent is done and their answers are immediately recorded for you.  Survay Review If you need your respondent to mail their survey back to you, regardless of if you include the postage with your survey, you will experience a dip in response rate.
You are also able track your respondents if you have sent your survey to a set group of people and, in turn, you can send reminders to them which will help to increase your response rate even.
3. Lower Cost
Aside from the environmental saving when using online surveys over paper surveys, you will also save money.
Conducting surveys online is far cheaper in terms of stationary costs, delivery cost if sending my mail, wages if conducting face to face and phone costs if conducting over the phone. And you save on time as well and we all know that time is money! Survay Review
Sending surveys via email is far, far less expensive and it brings an end to the slower mailing process so it is much quicker to both send your survey and receive the responses.
4. Tailored Structure
One of the great things about online surveys is that you can customize them easily to co-inside with your individual respondent's answers. You can set a path through your survey by using branching questions within your online survey. Branching your survey questions ensures that only the relevant questions are displayed based on how a participant answers a given question.
Furthermore, Survay Reviews you can also make questions compulsory if there are vital questions that you need answers to.
5. Simple Distribution
Because there is no need for mailing your survey, no standing on the high street, no need to gather together a focus group and no need to call countless phone numbers over and over again, the distribution of online surveys is super simple.
You can distribute to a wide, almost limitless, number of people via the internet. using your custom URL link you can share your survey by email or Survay Review via social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked in and many more.
You can also embed your surveys directly onto your website or blog so people can fill in your survey from your site. No need to send your link out. This allows for a more generic audience response, but will also get responses from people who are already on your site and therefore implies an existing interest in your company, institution or service.
By adding social sharing links at the end of your online survey, respondents can also help to distribute your survey for you to their own contacts and online communities.


jeudi 20 juillet 2017

Landing Page Optimization Tips

When we hear the words Converzly Review Landing Page we generally think of PPC campaigns or some other form of internet advertising. But I like to use landing pages for all of my off-line advertising also. However, you're using it, a landing page is a web page, typically hidden from the site's menu bar and other navigation - meaning the only way you can get to the page is to type the URL directly into the browser.
The web page is directly related to the ad campaign that listed the URL. Converzly Reviews Since only the people who have seen the ad will land on this page (because the URL isn't advertised any where else), you as the website owner know exactly what the visitor is looking for and you can provide it to him immediately. For that reason, this type of web page is also referred to as a Dedicated Landing Page because it is dedicated only to the ad that brought in the visitors.
Landing pages are critical to your success on line; in fact, they are often the "makers or breakers" of your ROMD (return on marketing dollar).
Converzly Bonus
If you're just getting your feet wet in the use of dedicated landing pages, I suggest starting small. Google AdWords is a great way to start small since you can easily limit your budget. Here are a few other tips to follow when creating your dedicated landing pages:
** Use a Consistent Message
Many small business owners believe they need to have one message in the ad and another message on the landing page. Converzly Review They think their visitors will "get bored" reading the same thing over and over. They want to showcase their expertise by talking about every single one of their skills and they want to "maximize" their advertising dollar by getting out as many messages as possible.
But this is exactly opposite of what you want to do. Converzly Review Today's audience is busy and overwhelmed. Studies show you have less than 3 seconds to grab your site visitor's attention. You want your prospect to arrive at your dedicated landing page and immediately say "Yes, this is exactly what I came here for." By presenting the same message that you gave in your ad, your visitor will know he is in the right place.
** Remove All Other Distractions
A few years ago, several ingenious web marketers discovered that by removing all other distractions from your landing page - i.e. take off the navigation bar, take off your logo linking to your home, get rid of any other advertising, etc. - Converzly Review you can increase your conversion rate significantly.
But I do want to caution, this is not a one-size-fits-all, do-or-die solution to increasing your landing page conversion rates. You've got to know your business, know your message, and, above all, know your market. For some audiences, the bare bones, no graphics, no branding web page technique might look like spam. If your branding is strong, your visitors might think they've landed at the wrong page. Extremely web-cautious visitors might think it's a phishing scheme. Know your audience and know their expectations before you dive into this technique.
** Test as Much as Possible
If you're new to split testing, my biggest word of warning is to pay attention to the details. Just last week I consulted with a new client who advertised one landing page in Publication A and another landing page in Publication B. Since the second landing page received more conversions, Converzly  he was convinced it was the "winner" and he was ready to roll it on a full scale.
However, upon further review, we discovered that the demographics for Publication A readers were very different than Publication B readers. The success of the second landing page couldn't necessarily be attributed to the page itself, since the visitors being sent to the page were more highly qualified for the offer. After running some split tests, we decided the best combination was to advertise the first landing page in the second publication.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, when you're testing your ads and landing pages, Converzly make sure you're comparing apples to apples. Google Website Optimizer is a great tool for running on-line split tests which will send 50% of your visitors to page 1 and 50% to page 2 (or however you decide to divide up your traffic).


mercredi 5 juillet 2017

Website User Experience Design

Once upon a time websites were only text-based pages that focused on giving users information.  Vidizi Review The internet was mainly used for information related to science, government bodies, etc. However, today thanks to the improvements that have taken place with respect to speed of the internet, technologies and telecommunications, the internet has become the go to place for any kind of information that people may need. People today use the internet for getting information, socializing and for online shopping as well.
Because of this sudden growth of the web, the internet has a lot of choices for the user and there is a lot of competition between websites to do well. While the products and  Vidizi Reviews services provided by the users continue to be the most important thing that determines the site's success, the experience that the user has on the site also plays an important role.
What is website user experience design?
User experience design is also called UXD or UED. It refers to all the different aspects of a users experience on a website. Some of the aspects that come under Vidizi Review user experience design are user interface, graphics that are used on the site, interactivity and interaction with the user.
Different elements of user experience design
User experience design not only concentrates on the aesthetic aspects of a site but also on other aspects that go into improving a users experience on the site.
Information Architecture
Web design begins with the information architecture on the website. There are very few people who know the importance of information architecture for user experience web design. It is important to design the information architecture of a website based on how potential users will like to navigate through it and use its content. This is what user experience design helps to accomplish. It will keep the personal ideas and choices of stake holders aside and take a data-based approach in creating the site.
Graphic Design
The next aspect of user experience design is the visual elements involved in designing the site. It is also referred to as visual design or user interface design. Vidizi Bonus Some of the things that the visual elements include are site aesthetics, arrangement of different elements on a page, colors used on the site, typography, etc. When designing a site with user experience design, the creators will pay more attention to the preferences of the target user instead of the site owners personal choice of elements.
Interaction Design
Interaction design is another important element of user experience design. It includes creating opportunities for visitors interact with the site. This does not necessarily mean a transaction or submission of an inquiry form. It could be submission of a newsletter, downloading a file, getting a membership, creating a profile, liking the sites social media page, sharing content that is there on the site, etc. Vidizi One should be able to strike a balance between the different interaction elements that are being used on the site. It may not be wise to use all the types of interaction elements on the site. This can end up confusing the visitor. The different elements that may be used to help a user interact with the site should also be presented in such a way that they complement each other, try and anticipate what a user may do on a particular page and maximize the users engagement.
Vidizi Review
Though usability design may be similar to interaction design in some aspects, one should not confuse the two of them. Usability is not just interaction, it is more than interaction. Use of content on the page, navigation from one page to another, deciding the format of presenting the content on the page and determining how this content will co-exist with each other all comes under usability. The main function of usability design is a little different from interaction design. Interaction designs main aim is to maximize a users interaction with the site. On the other hand, usability design recognizes the fact that all users may not want to interact with the site. Usability design tries to maximize the use of the site for such visitors by encouraging them to use more of the content on the page in a creative manner.


mardi 4 juillet 2017

Can Ecovers Increase Your Product's Sale?

It has been reported by several internet marketers that eCoverLab Review has increased their sales by 300% or more in a sales quarter. And there is no rocket science behind it! Ecovers contribute a lot in successfully selling a digital product or service. 
What are ecovers?
Ecovers are graphical representation of intangible products. They give a sense of reality to the customer's mind about the digital product or service which they sell online. Ebook, ebox, ezine and CD/DVD covers fall into the category of ecovers.
Does ecover, as a marketing tool, play a positive role in increasing your sales figures? The answer leads to lot of debates. Let's find out.
Advantages of Ecovers: eCoverLab Reviews
  • Ecovers carry the theme of the product, service or overall business. The visitor can understand the product subject at a glance.
  • 3 D ecovers grab customer's attention on the webpage and facilitate a longer stay on the site. The customer takes more interest in reading the content.
  • Ecovers create a physical identity to any product online. This is even more important for a digital product.
  • Some ecovers show sellers' image which gives more credibility to the product.
  • Brand image of business entrepreneur is enhanced through ecovers.
  • Combo or Family pack offers are mostly displayed through ecovers. All the product categories and sub-categories are distinctly displayed through the ecovers.  
Disadvantages of Ecovers:
eCoverLab Review
  • Most ecovers are designed in 3D view. It is difficult for a business owner to design it himself if he doesn't have graphic design skills and the required software.
  • For designing a quality ecover one has to hire a professional designer. Designers charge high price for making 3D ecovers.
  • Poor ecover design has a negative impact on the quality of the product or service offered.  
  • As the saying goes "don't judge a book by its cover", often a flamboyant ecover is used to cover up a not so impressive digital product.
Do you really need an ecover?
Many websites sell books, software, CDs, DVDs without using ecovers. eCoverLab And their products still sell. That put a question mark on the effectiveness of ecovers.
On the other hand, ecovers are having a growing demand in the online market. It shows online marketer are more pro in using a cover for their digital product.
The potential contribution of ecovers can not be ignored. Even before reading content, people view ecovers. So ecovers contribute as the first step for making an impression about products or services.
There is some cost incurred in creating a professional ecover. eCoverLab Review The cost varies with the quality of designer you hire. Some established designer can charge you handsome price for their services but still your investment is nothing compared to what profit level you'll achieve through a well designed ecover. No doubt, quality work comes at a price. 
For your online profits soaring high, you have to ensure how effectively you can impress your buyers. Your ecover can surely create a lasting impression in the minds of your buyer, leading them to click the 'buy button'.
