are many advantages of using online surveys compared to traditional mail
or face to face methods. Nowadays, Survay Review most people who are able to use
computers have stopped using paper surveys altogether.
Here are the top 5 benefits of using online surveys over paper surveys:
1. Customized Appearance
beauty of online surveys is that they are very clear to read. With
computers you are able to zoom into surveys if the font is too small for
you to read and surveys can be spaced out over a number of pages
without overwhelming the respondent.
Unlike online surveys, there
are space limitations on paper. With online surveys, your questions can
be split into pages that are easy to work through without trawling
through a pile of paper pages. Survay Bonus You can quite acceptably have one
question per page for online surveys, whereas doing this with a paper
survey would have direct effect on the respondent's likelihood of
filling it in. If you see lots of pages to go through, you are less
likely to take the time to go through it all.
Incorporate your
logo and branding into your survey which will immediately resonate with
customers and help to make your survey look legitimate, official and
familiar. Utilize colors, images, and hyperlinks within your survey to
personalize and make your survey attractive for the respondent.
2. Survay Reviews
you ever have to spend hours on your local high street with a clipboard
for a school project? Do you remember how much effort you had to put in
for each and every survey you carried out. People rushed by and were
too busy with their daily tasks to stop to answer your questions. With
online surveys, this is all taken care of.
Online surveys not only
allow you to leave the high street, but also allows respondents to take
their own time to complete the survey. Survay Review You send them your survey link,
and they can answer your questions any time of the day or night.
Whenever they are ready and willing to do so.
This also ensures
that when your respondents have time to answer your survey, they are
much more likely to put more thought into their answers and answer
Not only this, but online surveys are super easy to
respond to. Not only are you increasing your response rate due to the
ease of filling in your survey, you are also increasing it further due
to the ease of submitting responses. Once the survey is completed, your
respondent is done and their answers are immediately recorded for you. Survay Review
If you need your respondent to mail their survey back to you, regardless
of if you include the postage with your survey, you will experience a
dip in response rate.
You are also able track your respondents if
you have sent your survey to a set group of people and, in turn, you can
send reminders to them which will help to increase your response rate
3. Lower Cost
Aside from the environmental saving when using online surveys over paper surveys, you will also save money.
surveys online is far cheaper in terms of stationary costs, delivery
cost if sending my mail, wages if conducting face to face and phone
costs if conducting over the phone. And you save on time as well and we
all know that time is money! Survay Review
Sending surveys via email is far, far
less expensive and it brings an end to the slower mailing process so it
is much quicker to both send your survey and receive the responses.
4. Tailored Structure
of the great things about online surveys is that you can customize them
easily to co-inside with your individual respondent's answers. You can
set a path through your survey by using branching questions within your
online survey. Branching your survey questions ensures that only the
relevant questions are displayed based on how a participant answers a
given question.
Furthermore, Survay Reviews you can also make questions compulsory if there are vital questions that you need answers to.
5. Simple Distribution
there is no need for mailing your survey, no standing on the high
street, no need to gather together a focus group and no need to call
countless phone numbers over and over again, the distribution of online
surveys is super simple.
You can distribute to a wide, almost
limitless, number of people via the internet. using your custom URL link
you can share your survey by email or Survay Review via social media such as
Facebook, Twitter, Linked in and many more.
You can also embed
your surveys directly onto your website or blog so people can fill in
your survey from your site. No need to send your link out. This allows
for a more generic audience response, but will also get responses from
people who are already on your site and therefore implies an existing
interest in your company, institution or service.
By adding social
sharing links at the end of your online survey, respondents can also
help to distribute your survey for you to their own contacts and online
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