mardi 8 août 2017

How to Increase the Right Kind of Website Traffic

The very best looking website in the world will still be a failure if it has no traffic. Traffikrr Review A website can't make any money if it is a well-kept secret. Getting more traffic, of and by itself, is not enough to make an unprofitable site profitable. You've got to increase the right kind of traffic. When you get more of the right kind of traffic coming to your site, your site is able to deliver a steady stream of leads or sales into your business. Let's look at where you can find the right kind of traffic for your website.
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People have to come to your website in order for your site to be a productive and worthwhile endeavor for your business. In the absence of traffic, all that exists is a very expensive secret website. There are several different types of traffic. Traffikrr Bonus Let's quickly see what they are and how they show up in your website stats or web analytics reports.
  • Visitors - think of this as the number of people who have come to your website.
  • Uniques - this is the same as website visitors
  • Visits - this is the number of times your website has been visited. This number is always higher than visitors because some people will visit your website more than once.
  • Hits - this is an outdated way of measuring the amount of people that come to your website. Don't rely on this number. Use visits and visitors instead
  • First Time Visitors - this is the number of people who have visited your website for the very first time.
  • Repeat Visitors - this is the number of people who visited your website and have been there on at least one other occasion.

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As you can see there are different kinds of traffic. Each of the different kinds of traffic above is a little different. Your efforts to reach new people and bring them to your website will show up in the number of first time visitors in your website reports. The total number of people visiting your website (visitors) is one of the basic numbers that you should monitor on your website. Remember though, large numbers of visitors will do you no good if they don't stick around on your site and come back again later. Those that come back later are included in the repeat visitors number in your web stats.
Now that you know the most important types of traffic on your website, Traffikrr Review let's see how to increase the right kind of traffic by looking at where it is coming from.
How You Get Social Media Traffic to Your Website
Social media is a great way to drive quality, targeted, traffic to your website. How this is done depends a lot on your target audience and on the product or service that you provide. The key here is to be active, and provide relevant content in the form of links to articles, videos, blog posts, pictures, reports, etc. that will be of interest to your target audience. Relevance is key. There are a lot of automation tools out there that will help automate updating your social profiles, but this has to be done with caution or you risk crossing the line. Traffikrr Nothing will turn off your social media audience faster than over use of automation.
One of the great opportunities for social media traffic lies in the ability of something to be shared with others in a circle of friends and followers, potentially going viral. One of the things that you can do to facilitate this is to make sure that your website makes it super easy for your visitors to socially share your website with others. They will do this by sharing pages on your website with their friends on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Talk about ideal traffic to your website - Traffikrr Bonus there is nothing that carries as much weight as a referral from a friend.
How to Get SEO Traffic to Your Website
Search engine optimization is a great way to bring people to your website. The key is to optimize your site for the different key search phrases that people use to search in Google when they are looking for the product or service that you provide. In order to do this properly, you've got to understand that when people come to your website, they won't all come first to your home page and then from there go to what they are looking for. Traffikrr Review They will type in a question or phrase in Google, and then go to the page that shows up in the search results that catches their attention and interest. With this in mind, different pages on your site should be optimized for different key phrases. SEO is a great source of highly relevant and targeted traffic.

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