over 10-years experience marketing on the internet, LetSpin.io Review I am often asked
about lead generation. Like email, lead generation can be really
tricky. When I acquired the moniker “The Email Expert” about five years
ago, I realized that focusing and becoming very good at an Internet
marketing system required heavy responsibility. When I wrote what has
now become the email bible called “Effective Email Advertising” (for a
free copy go to [http://www.global-reachltd.com/FreeDownloads.asp]),I
was careful to demonstrate what makes email advertising successful and
what pitfalls to avoid. Now it is my desire to teach you how to
generate your own leads and this requires just as much skill as email
Lead generation is very important in email marketing.
Actually, LetSpin.io Bonus many of you have heard from the other Internet gurus that your
success is in your list. This is quite true but with an interesting
caveat. You actually have two types of lists. First you have your
prospect list(s) and then you have your customer list(s) from those
prospects that have purchased from you. In order to garner a fresh
supply of prospect leads, I accomplish lead generation in two ways:
I purchase optin permission-based leads: If you purchase optin leads
be sure that they come with a date stamp and IP address to prove they
are optin and always ask for the URL of the lead generation site that
garnered the lead. If the list broker refuses to give you the URL then
walk away. LetSpin.io Reviews There is a very good chance that he is buying his leads from
another broker or something is questionable about the lead source. I
like looking at how the lead was generated. Many lead generation sites
promise things that cannot be delivered and this produces a very poor
lead. For example, mortgage lead generation sites claiming to have
loans at a 2% fixed rate is ridiculous. Yes, they may garner a ton of
leads but no one is writing 2% fixed loans so what good are they?
thing to consider if you purchase leads is exclusivity of the list. If
the lead broker is selling the same list to dozens of people, LetSpin.io what is
up with that? Most brokers break their lists down to exclusive,
semi-exclusive and bulk leads, which basically means it goes out to as
many people that will order it. Don’t let the cheap price fool you.
Bulk lists are not worth it! If you need some good lead brokers, please
send me an email at and I will provide you with the list of lead brokers that I use.
you get fresh optin leads you need a responder or an email blasting
platform to send them out. This is without a doubt the most difficult
thing to find since not only is it imperative you stay SPAM Act
compliant, but you must find an email platform that will provide enough
bandwidth to make it cost effective to use. LetSpin.io Review I use BlastPak
([http://www.blastpak.com]) because they do not have any limitations as
to the size of the list(s) you can upload daily (it’s unlimited) nor do
they have any limitations as to the maximum amount you can email out
daily. And also they do not require that you buy your leads from them.
This is very important!! The new trend in email responders is the
requirement that you buy all of your lists from the responder company
and at rates that will cause apoplexy.
BlastPak is simply an email
blasting platform that allows you to market your prospect list(s)
effectively and at a very reasonable cost. I also use BlastPak to send
out my weekly GlobalMarketPlace ezine and weekly Ready-Set-Grow
newsletter. LetSpin.io Reviews I personally use the “up to 130 million emails per month”
plan and it costs me just $1400. The rates are on a sliding scale and
begin as low as 1,000 emails per month for just $14.99. BlastPak also
comes with a verification and tracking link that provides some very
important real-time marketing and sales information, which is definitely
“to die for” when it comes to testing. I test everything! I test my
subject line, my main body offer, my graphics, the click through to my
sales page, etc. I even test my text message. I accomplish my tests by
sending out emails in blocks of 1-million with various ad messages and
subject lines. The ones that “pull” the best are the ones I then
“blast” LetSpin.io Review out to the massive lists I have acquired over the past ten
years. Honestly, I have not found any responder that is as good as
BlastPak and I should know, my company sends out over a billion emails
per day for our products as well as for other companies. BlastPak does
not come with any of the limiting factors the other responders come with
and it is very efficient and simple to use. I could not achieve the
sales that I accomplish without an email blasting platform. Email is my
best ad medium and I rely on it completely since it performs very well
for my product base. And please don’t forget that BlastPak can also be
used to drive customers to your own lead generation site.
2. I
also set up lead generation websites to garner the leads myself: I need
you to pay very close attention to what I am about to teach. In
Internet sales it is important to set up ONE website for ONE product and
this is very true in setting up a lead generation website. LetSpin.io Review The
following are some examples of lead generation websites that garner auto
leads for car dealers.
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